A place that feels like home
All the homes listed are designed for individual care and support for people with a range of disabilities, particularly acquired brain injuries, neurodegenerative disorders and complex needs.
We offer short, medium and long-term accommodation providing quality care and support in 16 houses in Victoria, New South Wales and Northern Territory. The accommodation options are flexible enough to offer 24-hour support, or just a few hours a day. We’ll work with you to find what’s best.
Our homes have a comfortable atmosphere within a shared household and clients have their own personal space. Our clients are involved in decisions made within their house, such as activities and planning meals. And, of course, we love it when family and friends pop in to visit and are a welcome part of the daily life of the household.
We partner with Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) providers to build modern and comfortable homes and can arrange temporary accommodation whilst houses are being built. Find out about the SDAs and locations of upcoming builds.
Our highly experienced on-site team provide high intensity supports, personal assistance, domestic support and supervision of daily living activities. Together with you, we’ll support you to have choice and control as you build your skills towards independence and living a good life.